7 Things to Remember before You Leave for a Date ...


Have you ever thought about what you should remember before you leave for a date? It is amazing how much you can forget when your nerves are high and you feel pressure to put your best foot forward. Women often forget things like what to bring, what to wear and what to do. And because of their nerves, they may begin to bring up their past or talk about other first date taboos. So take a deep breath, relax and before you leave for a date remember these things:

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Don’t over Show

You have been working out daily and your glutes and abs are looking great, so why not show this off on your first date, right? The tight little black dress in your closet would show all of this off so why not wear it? You can over show on the first date and bare too much skin. This will not only make you look desperate but this may give your date the wrong idea. Play it hard to get and make him work for you by not showing too much skin. Remember this before you leave for a date.


Easy on the Scents

Did you buy perfumed lotion, perfume, hair mist and body butter, all in matching scents? Wouldn’t your date be the perfect time to show this all off? Definitely not. You do not want to overdo, make your date choke on your scent or look like you are trying too hard. Stick to a couple of spritzes.


Bring Some Money

Nowadays you never know if your date will pick up the tab or possibly go Dutch, expecting you to pay for yourself. It is always polite to at least offer to pay, so bring cash just in case. By tradition of chivalry, a man usually pays for at least the first date but you never know, so be prepared.


Do Not Talk Religion or Politics

As you look into your date's eyes, you are dying to know his religion, political beliefs and future goals. Take a deep breath, relax and keep your conversation light and easy. You do not need to get to deep in conversation on the first date. Just figure out on this date if you have a connection and if you want to see one another again.


Go Easy on the Drinks

Your date insists on starting the date with a martini. You cannot help but say yes, and after you finish this, he insists on buying you another. By the 3rd drink you are feeling great and very much relaxed. You may be so relaxed you may even start to overshare. Avoid being in this situation and never have more than one drink on a first date. Get to know one another without being intoxicated. You can never redo a first impression! Make your first impression a good one without being liquored up.

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Don’t Talk about Dieting

As you review the high calorie menu, you begin to discuss your latest diet plan with your first date. At this point your date feels you are insecure and uncomfortable with your body weight. Forget about your diet tonight and just enjoy your first date. If all goes well, you will have plenty of future dates to mention your diet. But leave the first date to being positive and having a good time, minus the calorie watching!


Forget about Your past

Okay so maybe the last 6 months have been rough getting over your ex. Maybe you have had some amazing long term relationships that you would love to share. But leave the past to the past and start with your best foot forward and do not share your previous relationships. You should never share anything about your past relationships on a first date. Get to know one another today and just have fun!

Now go ahead enjoy your first date, get to know one another, relax and remember to just be you! Are you ready to put on your favorite pumps and have a great time?

Feedback Junction

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Bring a condom

Lighten up Tstar! It was a joke! Salsa got it...

Number 3 questionable shouldn't have to pay on your date it the guy ask you to dinner , same if anyone invites u to dinner.

Darn auto correct! Sorry Sasa!

If a guy doesn't pay for me on a first date, there will be no more dates. I will only go for 100% chivalrous men, period.

If your a slut!! Don't sleep with him on the first date omg!!!

Great article!

Lol Kitty Eva, that was funny... But the article did say play hard to get... I totally agree with bringing money... Sometimes it appears that chivalry is dead...

When should a woman sleep with him? Third date? Lol

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