7 Tips for Girls Who Still Want to Stay Friends with Their Ex ...


7 Tips for Girls Who Still Want to Stay Friends with Their Ex ...
7 Tips for Girls Who Still Want to Stay Friends with Their Ex ...

You and your ex had a great run, but in the end things just didn’t work out. If the relationship ended on good terms, you might be thinking about staying friends after the breakup. That is fine, as long as you both are on the same page. Here are a few tips for staying friends with an EX.

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Are You Really Friends?

First, you need to know that he really does want to be friends with you. There are a few things that may be going on here. He may say he wants to be friends only to avoid hurting your feelings. If he isn’t answering your calls or following through with plans then he may not want to be your friend. On the other hand, he may be too eager to be friends and is really hoping to blur that line between friendship and dating.


Check Your Feelings

Now that you know where he stands, you need to evaluate your own feelings. Do you really want to be friends with this guy? Does hanging out with him in a neutral, platonic way sound fun to you? If it does, great! Are you hoping that being friends will give you a chance to flirt and reconnect on a romantic level? If so, slow down.


Stay in Groups

At first, maybe you should only get together with groups of friends. This is easy if you already have the same friends. This is harder if your group of friends are all dating each other. Either way, groups are safe.


Have an out

Have a talk with your ex and agree to end the friendship or back off if either of you start to feel something for the other. It will make you both feel safer that you have an out if it’s not working the way you planned.


Check Your Jealousy

He is your friend. You can’t get upset if he talks to another girl in front of you. Our friends are allowed to date. If he gets jealous of guys talking to you then maybe being friends isn’t a good idea.

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No Walks down Memory Lane

Don’t ever get caught up in sharing the memories of your relationship. That is the worst thing to do. It can stir up so many emotions and really offset the platonic balance you have going on right now.


Rehashing Arguments

Every relationship has its disagreements. Sometimes they get dissolved and all is well and sometimes those arguments are the things that lead to breakups. If you really want to be friends, you have to leave those arguments in the past. Let them go, just like you let go of any romance with your ex.

Have you ever been friends with an ex? How did it work out for you? Tell us about what worked and didn’t work. I would love to hear other people’s advice about being friends with an ex.

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I broke up with my ex & I've been dating my current boyfriend for almost two years but once in a while I still talk to my ex, we were so close, like I thought of his as my Bestfriend instead of my actual boyfriend, that's why I broke up with him.

Away for years then you can start the friendship

I have an amazing friendship with my ex boyfriend. We talk about everything, we have so much fun hanging out together and he knows me better than anyone else. No drama in our relationship but it ended because we knew we were both better suited as friends than a couple. We can say we love each other and know it's in a completely platonic way. He can hang out with my current SO and be completely comfortable with him and they get along very well. There's no jealousy. He's happy for me to find someone else and I'm trying to find the right one for him. I guess I'm lucky

Unless you were friends before abd you dated very briefly I would say no

I'm in the process of trying to be friends with my ex , and then I see this! Very helpful

I disagree with #5. Absolutely, if the relationship is over, you should be free to talk to whomever you please. But it would be highly insensitive to do it in front of your ex, even if you have a purely platonic relationship now.

rule number 1: dont. Rules 2-7: refer to rule number 1

I have had many relationships and in a small town its hard to avoid being around ex's. There are some its easier to be friends with than others. I recently broke up with a guy that I have as a captain for a team sport. We are friends in the sense we can play together no problems, call on one another for help when we need something and talk about stuff and we are cool. But it would be weird to me to be chatty with him for no reason and neither of us looks for dumb reasons to txt or call one another. I care about him and I know he cares for me but really we are better off friends. We have mutual respect for each other and I think that is key.

I broke up with a boyfriend of mine about a year ago and we are best friends now

Goodness he was a boyfriend someone you had intimate relationships with once upon a time now if he is no longer that set him free what's the point of being friends too much hard work and the chances are u could get back together and then break up and the beat goes on...

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