8 Tips on How to Strike up a Conversation with a Guy You've Never Talked to ...


8 Tips on How to Strike up a Conversation with a Guy You've Never Talked to ...
8 Tips on How to Strike up a Conversation with a Guy You've Never Talked to ...

Learning how to strike up a conversation with your crush that you've never talked to isn't easy. I get all flustered even thinking about the days when I was trying to learn how to strike up a conversation with my crush! A lot of the comments that I answer revolve around this particular topic – so girls, are you ready to learn how to strike up a conversation with your crush, even if you've never talked to him?

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Introduce Yourself

First and foremost girls, you've got to introduce yourself to him! This is the first step when you're learning how to strike up a conversation with your crush that you've never talked to. Tell him your name, give up some small details about yourself and just put yourself out there. I know it's hard, but trust me, it'll be worth it once he remembers your name!


The key to striking up a conversation with a guy you've never talked to is to make a good first impression. Start by introducing yourself and giving him some small details about yourself, such as your interests or hobbies. Ask him questions about himself, such as what he does for fun or what his favorite sports team is. Showing genuine interest in him will make him more likely to remember your name and start a conversation with you. Be sure to smile and make eye contact, as this will make him more comfortable. Finally, be sure to end the conversation on a positive note, so he remembers you in a positive light.


Compliment Him

After you've given your name to him, the next thing that you should be doing is flirting a little bit! Being flirty is a great way to get to know your crush and to make sure that he feels comfortable. The next tip on how to strike up a conversation with your crush you've never talked to is to compliment him. Do you like his eyes? His shirt? His clothes? Compliment something about him! It'll make things less awkward.


Comment on the Location

If you are running out of things to talk about and you are still trying to strike up a conversation with your crush, why not comment on the location? Are you at school, why not talk about some of your classes? This is a great way to really make sure that your crush is really comfortable with you!


Commenting on the location is a great way to break the ice with someone you've never talked to before. If you're at school, talking about classes you have in common or other shared experiences can help make your crush feel more comfortable. This can be a great way to get to know each other better and start a conversation. Additionally, if you're both at a party or other social gathering, talking about the event or the venue can be a great way to start a conversation. Even if you don't have much in common, commenting on the location can be a great way to start a conversation.


Open-ended Questions

One of the biggest things that you need to remember when you are learning how to strike up a conversation is to make sure that you are asking open-ended questions. You don't want to ask a ton of questions that he can answer yes or no to because truthfully, you won't get any answers or really get to know him.


Open-ended questions are an important part of striking up a conversation with a guy you've never talked to. Open-ended questions are questions that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no, and they help to keep the conversation going. Examples of open-ended questions include “What do you like to do in your free time?” or “What is your favorite hobby?”. Asking open-ended questions can help you to get to know the person you are talking to and create a more meaningful conversation.

In addition to asking open-ended questions, it is important to be an active listener. This means that you should pay attention to what the other person is saying and ask follow-up questions to show that you are interested in the conversation. You should also be aware of your body language and maintain eye contact to show that you are engaged in the conversation.

It is also important to be aware of any potential topics that may make the other person uncomfortable. Avoid asking overly personal questions or topics that may be controversial. Additionally, make sure to respect the other person’s boundaries and be aware of any signs that the person may not be comfortable with the conversation.


Listen to His Body Language

You can pick up a lot from his body language if you listen to it the right way! Girls, this is one of the biggest tips that I can pass along – pay attention to how he stands, what his face looks like, what his hands do and how often he looks around. These are all things that mean something and things that matter!


Body language is a great way to get to know someone better and it can tell you a lot about how a person is feeling. It can be especially helpful when trying to strike up a conversation with a guy you’ve never talked to before. Here are some tips on how to read his body language and use it to your advantage:

  1. Look for signs of openness. If a guy is open and engaged, he will be facing you and making eye contact. He may also be leaning in towards you or gesturing with his hands.

  2. Pay attention to his facial expressions. If he looks relaxed, he may be more likely to be open to conversation. If he looks tense, he may be feeling uncomfortable or unsure.

  3. Notice his posture. If he is standing with his arms crossed, he may be closed off or feeling defensive. If he is leaning in, he may be interested in what you have to say.

  4. Watch for signs of nervousness. If he is fidgeting, playing with his hair, or tapping his foot, he may be feeling anxious.

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Use Flirtatious Body Cues

For your body language, it should all be flirty! You could cock a hip here, smile a lot, bat your eyelashes a bit and maybe even touch him on the shoulder or arm once in a while. All of your body language cues should revolve around the fact that you like him and that you want him to like you.


Flirting is a great way to show a guy you are interested in him without saying a word. When you use flirtatious body cues, you can make it obvious that you like him and want him to like you back. To do this, you can cock your hip, smile, bat your eyelashes, and even touch him on the shoulder or arm. These subtle cues can be enough to let him know that you like him and you are interested in talking to him. Additionally, make sure to maintain eye contact and don’t be afraid to laugh at his jokes. These small gestures can make him feel more comfortable and give you the confidence to start a conversation.


Keep up the Same Pace

When you finally do get a conversation going, you want to make sure that you are keeping up the exact same pace with him. You want the conversation to flow easily and that boils down to the pace, so just keep it up with him and you'll be fine girls, promise!



Finally, practice! You know that practice makes perfect and I can honestly say that it works this time. When you are first learning how to strike up a conversation, you've got to make sure that you are prepared. This means that you should get in front of a mirror and just state your introduction and your cues in that, to see how you look.

So girls, you asked for it and we're delivering it! These tips on learning how to strike up a conversation with your crush that you've never talked to is difficult – but doable! What other tips do you have on learning how to strike up a conversation with your crush? Any to share?

Top Image Source: tig-fashion.blogspot.in

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

My name is Jenny, this guy i like him alot but he have a girlfriend, it's bad to likes a guy that already have a girlfriend

@Heather Jensen There is this guy in my chemistry class i really like him but never have the nerve to get up and talk to him my friend introduced me to him but after that we never talked I don't want to say like hi and him say hey kind of end that conversation I don't know what to do so give me some tips. We like the same hockey team I just don't know how to bring that up! I never really talk to him I try to make eye contact and I always stand near him towards the end of class but friends are around and it would be weird to pull him aside in class. I was thinking about leaving a note on his desk but I don't want him to think "eww from her" so HELP!

Should I talk to him on fb first? I go to his hockey games cause he's on the hs team, I don't want to seem like a stalker. But I really like him

i need help right now i wanna talk to someone but i'm to shy can someone help me

I see him in the halls a lot! And a lunch with all his friends.

Please help and please answer or by tomorrow I will make a fool out of myself

I really don't know what to do. I actually wrote to him yesterday and he answered me with a kissing emoji but now when I'm trying to build up a conversation he seems to be very distanced... What should I do ? Keep talking to him ? We have been studying together for the past 9 years of school and yesterday I finally had the courage to write him ...

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