13 Ways to Make Him Miss You ...


13 Ways to Make Him Miss You ...
13 Ways to Make Him Miss You ...

Trying to learn all of the different ways to make him miss you is so hard! Guys are tough, aren't they? They're super confusing sometimes and making them miss you can be really difficult, unless you know all of the love tricks to make him miss you! If you're dying to get your guy to miss you, to want to be with you always, don't worry, I've got you covered! I've got the top 13 foolproof ways to make him miss you that will drive him crazy!

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Send Romantic Text Messages

Without ever seeming too desperate, there are many different ways to make him miss you and the first is sending romantic text messages! Reminding him exactly how romantic both of you are, how awesome your last date was, how much you miss him is all a great way to really keep his mind on you!


There are many ways to make him miss you and sending romantic text messages is one of them. Reminding him of how special and romantic your relationship is, how much fun you had on your last date, and how much you miss him are all great ways to keep him thinking about you.

You can also surprise him with thoughtful gifts or gestures. Sending him a gift that reminds him of a shared experience or memory is a great way to make him miss you. You can also surprise him with tickets to a show or event, or even a spontaneous weekend away.

It's also important to show him how much you appreciate him. Compliment him on the little things he does, send him a thank you note, or bring him his favorite snack. These small gestures can make him feel special and appreciated, making him miss you even more.

It's also important to keep your own life balanced and active. Spend time with friends, take up a new hobby, or even plan a weekend getaway for yourself. Having a full and exciting life will make him miss you even more.


Hang out with the Girls

One thing that really drives a guy wild is not being able to get a hold of his girlfriend – or knowing that she is having a great time without him. If you are feeling like you want your boyfriend to miss you, why not go hang out with the girls? Make it a girls' night out, no boys allowed! This will drive him insane and he will no doubt miss you!


Send Him Flowers/Candy at Work

When you're in a relationship, you want to constantly remind the person that you are with how sweet you are. That means that sending them little gifts at work, such as flowers or candy. Who knows, maybe you'll get something of a surprise at work too!


Leave Little Notes in His Lunch

Romantic gestures such as little notes in his lunch can really make all of the difference in how much he misses you! I actually love when my girlfriend does this for me and it makes me miss her that much more. If you just write something small or something short on a note and slip it into his lunch, he'll love it! Just a quick 'I love you' could be all it takes for him to miss you throughout the day!


Surprise Him

Do you really want to find out some of the ways to make him miss you? Surprise him with a home cooked meal when he gets home or even with arranging a romantic date for the two of you! This can really show him the sweet side of you and can let him know that you are the perfect girlfriend for him!

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Make Him Call You

Another great way to make him miss you is to make him call you! Are you the one constantly calling him? Do you feel like you always have to initiate the phone calls or even the text messages? Don't do it anymore. In fact, just make him call you, girls! That'll for sure make him miss you!


Making him miss you is a great way to keep the spark alive in your relationship. There are many ways to make him miss you, but one of the most effective is to make him call you. When you are the one constantly initiating the phone calls or text messages, it can be draining and make you feel like you are the one doing all the work. By making him call you, it will make him miss you and appreciate the effort you put in to make him feel special.

When you make him call you, you are showing him that you are confident and independent. This will make him miss you even more. You can also make him miss you by being a mystery. Show him you can do things on your own and that you don’t need him to do everything for you. This will make him want to be around you more and miss you when you’re not around.

Another great way to make him miss you is to be unpredictable. Do something out of the ordinary and surprise him. This will make him think of you more and miss you when you’re not around. Be spontaneous and unpredictable and he will be sure to miss you.

Finally, make sure to take care of yourself.


Send Cute Pictures

Cute doesn't mean sexy or revealing! What I mean is to send a picture of you making a kissy face or just a picture of you sitting around bored at home. Don't go overboard with these pictures by sending more than one or two in a week, just enough to make him think of you at random times during his hectic week.


Don't Text Him Back Right Away

I'm the type of person that is always on my phone, so I'm constantly answering texts the second I receive them. The problem here is that it makes it look like you were just waiting for him to text you. Take a few minutes or more before you write back and if it's something he's not used to, trust me, he'll notice!


Give Him Space

Don't make your life revolve around your man. If you don't talk to him for a little while and get caught up in doing your own thing, eventually he'll realize that it's been a while since he's heard from you or seen you. Even if you miss him, don't let on! Let him come to you, it will mean more when he actually wants to spend time with you instead of you pushing it on him.


Leave Something behind

Whether you give him something like a t-shirt or the scent of your perfume, leave something of yours behind so that he is thinking of you even when you're not around. Maybe the scent of your perfume will linger in his car and it will trigger in his mind that he wants to talk you. Whatever it is, I'm sure you can think of something to leave behind that will make him think of you.


Let Him Have Time with His Friends

Just as you want the time with your friends, you have to give him time to be with the boys. When he realizes that you're giving him this time away from you and that you're totally cool with it, he'll start to want to spend that time with you. This doesn't mean he'll stop seeing his friends completely, but it'll help him realize why he wants to be with you - you're awesome.



After a while in a relationship, the flirting just seems to go away. In my relationship a friend once commented that it was cute that my girlfriend and I would still flirt, but I didn't see it as weird. If you don't flirt anymore then start; it'll likely stick out in his head and make him remember what it was like in the beginning of the relationship.


Morning Sex

Finally, the last way to make him miss you that really works is morning sex. Why not have sex before both of you leave the house? It's a great way to get up, a fantastic mood-setter and it'll make him think about you all day. Plus, it'll keep your relationship spicy and interesting!

So girls, what other ways to make him miss you do you have? Any other tips that I haven't listed? Give us a shout out with your ways to make him miss you!

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Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#3 send to your significant others flowers/candy at work ... For me is a no-no 1) it's really look needy 2) Doing too much 3) where the hell your love will put your flower ? 4) personally, If a hetero-guy receives flowers at work , I will think ,at first , that he is gay. And he will be the center of an verry awkward situation. 5) nobody want to be a subject for works gossips.

@Stephanie, It's been said plain and clear. Move on to something or someone else. If you keep texting you're gonna waste time, embarrass yourself and annoy the crap out of him.

I would love some advice. I\'m seventeen and I have this guy friend which I\'ve always secretly liked and now I feel like he\'s giving me \'that\' kind of attention. Last year one of his friends screwed me over, BADLY, and he was always there for me telling me that his friend didn\'t deserve me and to not suffer over guys who are just dicks. He would send me mixed signals and would indirectly state things by saying I should just find another guy, someone who\'d treat me right, once he even mention a kiss, but I was to oblivious. Sometimes when we\'re left alone there\'s always this space for something to happen, I feel this sexual tension and this awkwardness, I hope something would happen, I pray he makes a move, I do want something to happen, but it never does. I don\'t dare to jump on him, I\'m scared of rejection, so I just wait, but I know I\'ll just keep on waiting for it and there\'s little chance something will actually bloom. There\'s a long list of girls waiting too, he\'s quite a guy, the kind of guy who we\'d all fancy. Yeah, sometimes we flirt, but most times we\'re acting like we normally do, I go back to being one of the guys. These days he\'s been touchy, hugging me and when in conversations with me and even with other people he always manages to make some physical contact with me, whether holding me, pinching me lightly, tapping me, anything. He\'s attentive, he texts and acts nicely. I should be able to tell right? Thing is..? I suck at reading the signs... I always took this as something normal, I still think those are a friend\'s words and actions. So what should I do? I\'m scared of the first step, don\'t want to scare him away, but at the same time it\'s my last year in school and I terribly want him. Please help! Thanks :)

How do you get a guy you used to have miss you? Oh and how do you start a conversation (over social network) with someone without looking like a freak or stalkerish? Lol

Hi heather, I was wondering about number 6. How do I get this guy to text me first? I'm always texting or facebook messaging him first and I know he likes me because he's mentioned many times that we should hang out. Our conversations are great too! We always text for hours, but I hate being the first one to text/message him first. What should I do to get him to message me first? I don't want to be annoying by texting him all the time...so what should I do?

What do you do if you and a guy liked each other and had a thing going on but now whenever I text him the only response I get back is "please stop texting me" ?

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