8 Fantastic Dating Tips for Dating an Introvert ...


8 Fantastic Dating Tips for Dating an Introvert ...
8 Fantastic Dating Tips for Dating an Introvert ...

When you're dating an introvert, there can be a lot of things that you don't know – I've scoured the internet looking for dating tips for an introvert that really makes sense and let you know exactly what you are in for. An introvert is a homebody, someone that doesn't exactly want to go out and party and hates bigger crowds. These dating tips for an introvert can really help you understand exactly what a relationship with introvert can be like!

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You May Have to Carry on More of the Conversation

When you are dating an introvert, you've got to remember that they don't necessarily want to talk all that much, so that means that you might have to carry on a bit more of the conversation, especially at the beginning. A lot of introverts don't like to hold conversations with people that they have a crush on. So keep that in mind when you're looking through these dating tips for an introvert!


You May Have to Initiate a Lot of Touching

Dating an introvert comes with a lot of initiating too, which might not be a bad thing if you are the person that likes to do the pursuing. You might have to be the one that initiates the touching and even the sex, until they get comfortable with you. Being an introvert myself, I have to have my partner initiate a lot of things.


They Withdraw when They Feel Threatened

The thing with an introvert that you need to know is that when you fight with them, when they feel like you are threatening them, they are going to completely withdraw themselves from the situation and there is nothing that can get them out. For me, when I get in a fight with my partner, I cut her out completely and go somewhere. It's hard to handle, so it may take some adaptation, communication and compromise.


Your Social Agenda May Be Limited

Now, I am not saying that because you are with someone that is introverted, your entire social agenda is going to be wiped away. However, you've got take into consideration that your girlfriend or boyfriend might not want to go out every night of the week. They might actually want to chill out at home more often than not.


Introverts Need Time to Process

An introvert also needs a lot of time to process. They need time to process everything from a fight all the way to deep conversations that you've had with them. They need to make sure that they remember everything and have time to reflect on it. Keep that in mind!


When dating an introvert, patience is your best friend. After deep or emotional interactions, they may seem distant, but in truth, they're in a mental sanctuary reflecting on the exchange. This contemplation is critical: it's how they arrive at deeper understanding and, ultimately, intimacy. So, if they need a quiet evening or a day away after what seems like a significant conversation or event, don't feel rejected. Instead, appreciate this as part of their process. Your sensitivity to their need for this space can deepen the connection between you.

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Patience is a Virtue

Dating an introvert is amazing but you've got to have a lot patience. You've got to be able to give them their space and also allow them their time to process. I know that I'm difficult to deal with when I get into my own head space, but my partner deals with it beautifully!


Schedule Important Discussions

You don't necessarily have to hide things from an introvert, but if there is a big decision that you need to make with your boyfriend or girlfriend, you might want to schedule the time to talk it over. That way, you're giving them the time that they need to process and the time that they need to really make the decision with you.


When planning the discussion, it might be beneficial to give your partner a heads-up about the topic in question. This advanced notice allows them to reflect and gather their thoughts beforehand. It's also considerate to choose a quiet, comfortable environment for the conversation so they can feel at ease. Remember to be patient and listen actively; introverts often communicate in a thoughtful, deliberate manner. By being empathetic and providing them with this space, you're showing respect for their introspective nature, likely leading to a more meaningful and productive dialogue.


Space during a Fight

Finally, space during a fight is going to be the most important thing in the world. Honestly, if you can't give your girlfriend/boyfriend time during a fight to process and to really get over whatever they need to, that's a problem.

So, now that you know exactly what an introvert needs, have you ever dated someone that is introverted? How did that go? Give us a shout in the comments!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I wish I would have found this and known i was an introvert since my ex and I broke up because I have a hard time tell Jim what's wrong as soon as something's wrong and because I broke down every time he yelled at me.

I am extremely introverted. In a lot of my past relationships, the other person(s) just did not understand that sometimes I just needed my space. I want the attention and affection, but sometimes it can just be too much when I am trying to process and think. It can be smothering and sometimes feels like I'm being attacked when I know they are only trying to help. When I'm not given time to breathe, I can become aggravated, stressed and eventually shut down.

Hi Heather, I am the extrovert in my relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together for 2.5 years and live together. I would like to be engaged, but he on the other hand doesn't understand what the "rush" is, and says he wants to do it when he is certain. This seems weird to me after 2.5 years. Is this an introvert thing, or just a guy that doesnt really want to marry me thing?

Right on target with every single one of these personality traits. My better half is the introvert, the ponderer, the last to initiate, the every-third-party goer, the patient-to-a-fault guy, and the most amazing partner that pays so much attention to even the tiniest of details. Last week I told him, "We need to start eating more bread so it will quit molding on us." And by God, that bread has begun disappearing. It's the little things that mean so much <3

Introvert Approved.

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