Flirting 101 Showing off These Skills is Sure to Get Any Guy's Attention ...


If you have a crush, but you're not sure what to do to get him to notice you, there are little tricks you can try. You don't have to dress like a model in order to catch his eye. All you have to do is flaunt whatever talents you have. Here are a few skills that are sure to get any guy's attention:

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Speak a Foreign Language in Front of Him

How sexy is it to hear a man speak French? Even if you have no clue what he's saying, you're going to melt from his hotness. Well, we're not the only ones who find foreign languages attractive. If you speak another language in front of your crush, he's bound to be impressed. There's just something about being bilingual that makes any man swoon.


Show off Your Dance Skills

No matter what kind of dance you're skilled in, there's a man out there who will find it attractive. Maybe you're a pro at twerking when a Miley song comes on. Maybe you can bust out some ballet moves when Sia starts playing. Either way, the fact that you know how to move your hips is a major turn on.


Win a Game against Him

Forget what you've heard about men disliking athletic girls. They love a woman with a set of abs on her. Even if you're not a pro at soccer or field hockey, he'll be impressed by your billiard skills or how quick you can make it around the track in Mario Kart. Men love a good challenge, so if you can give him a run for his money, he'll be all yours.


Showing off your athletic skills is a surefire way to get his attention. Whether it's a game of billiards, a round of Mario Kart, or a friendly soccer match, men love a good challenge. Not only will he be impressed by your skills, but it will also show him that you're capable of keeping up with him. Plus, it's a great way to have fun while flirting. Showing off your athleticism is a great way to make a lasting impression and let him know you're the one.


Make Him See How Intelligent You Are

No, showing your crush that you got an A on a test probably won't impress him. But if you get into a conversation with him and start showing off your smarts by telling him interesting tidbits about the world, he will be impressed. It's all about how you go about flaunting your intelligence.


Cook Him a Delicious Meal

Men love to eat. It doesn't matter if you whip up your grandmother's recipe for scrambled eggs or if you cook up a quick batch of cookies from a box. As long as you can create something that your man can munch on, he'll be yours forever. It's the easiest way to win someone over.

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Show off Your Social Skills

It's time to show off your social skills. If you're great at telling jokes, then make your man laugh. If you're talented when it comes to giving advice, let your man spill out his heart to you. Do whatever you can to show him what a fun, thoughtful person you are. Personality is most important, after all.


Give Him a Taste of Your Flexibility

The reason men love flexible women is entirely sexual. They think that if a girl knows how to do a split, that she'll be a bombshell in the bedroom. So if you end up at the gym at the same time as your crush, you should show off your stretching skills. Bend and stretch as far as you can, and he won't stop staring.

Once you get your crush's attention, don't be afraid to walk right up to him and start a conversation. After all, if he sees how talented you are, he might be too intimidated to do the dirty work himself. If a man did any of these things in front of you, would you be impressed?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

He would be a darned sight more attracted to you if you ask him about his likes and show an interest in him instead of trying eagerly to show off! Every man is flattered if you show an interest in him!

This article is about getting his attention then come his interests later on. #7 works and if flexibility is only what u can do then the other numbers, why wouldn't u? First impressions count, and flexibility counts too. When a guy can do a split I am attracted to them because they can do something that other guys don't normally do. Same goes for a girl with a guy.

I can't do any of these items


#7 seems desperate.


Try asking about his day or a recent event in his life like his soccer game or brothers birthday. This will show that you paid attention to not only yourself but him too and that you care about what he has to say. I love when he asks me how my day is going because it makes me feel validated/like he listens so why not do the same? It's not about showing off but about being confident with who you are and building a healthy relationship

Yeah I'm not that bold

Obviously, this article isn't very realistic. So, just be yourself.

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