9 Signs He is Being Shady ...

Heather Dec 5, 2024

9 Signs He is Being Shady ...
9 Signs He is Being Shady ...

Are you looking for signs he is shady because your man is acting a little sketchy? Well girls, if you think that your guy is being shady, it might be high time that you look for signs he is shady! Below, I've got the top 9 signs he is shady and that maybe you should call him on it!

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1. Hides His Phone

While everyone in the world has the right to hide their phone, if you've been in a relationship with someone for a while and suddenly, he starts to hide his phone from you. It's absolutely a sign he is shady! After all, what could he possibly have in his phone that might affect you?


It's especially concerning if he's been open with his phone around you before, but now he's taking calls in another room or quickly flipping his screen away when you walk by. Trust your gut—if it feels like he's intentionally keeping you out of the loop, there's probably a reason why he's being secretive. Constant password changes, and notifications always set to silent are other red flags to watch out for. Perhaps he's got something, or someone, to hide.

2. Locks His Computer

Does your guy constantly lock his computer? That way you won't be able to see exactly what he has been looking at? Well, that's just weird right? I mean, privacy is one thing, but there has to be some trust on your part. This is absolutely a sign he is shady!

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3. Won’t Leave His Cell Phone Alone

If he takes his cell phone everywhere with him, even the bathroom, it could be one of the signs he is shady! After all, why would you need to take your cell phone everywhere with you, unless of course you had something to hide and were ashamed of something.


It's especially suspicious if he suddenly changes his password or becomes very secretive about his phone. Sure, everyone is entitled to privacy, but if he's tilting the screen away from you or quickly closing apps whenever you come near, you might just have a reason to be concerned. Listen to your instincts—if something feels off about his behavior with his phone, there might be more to it than meets the eye. Keep an eye out for constant text notifications and his urgency to respond, which could suggest that someone is on the other end that he doesn't want you to know about.

4. Goes to a Strip Club for Lunch

While strip clubs don't necessarily mean that your man is cheating on you, if he is constantly going to a strip club on his lunch break, that's a little shady right? Why does he feel the need to be surrounded by naked girls constantly? Why does he feel the need to go to a club like that on his lunch break? Ladies, this is a sign he is shady!

5. Gets Phone Calls at All Hours of the Night

While sometimes, you might be on the receiving end of a drunk phone call in the middle of the night, if your guy is constantly getting phone calls at all hours of the night, when he is supposed to be sleeping, that isn't a good thing. In fact, that's pretty shady. Maybe you should try asking him about it!

6. He Isn’t ‘into’ Commitment of Any Kind

While some guys are not ready to commit and that is completely fine, there are other guys who just don't do any kind of commitments. Which means if you want to make plans with him a few weeks in advance, he isn't ready to commit to that. That's weird right? If you are having a hard time pinning your man down for any type of commitment, that is a sign he is shady!

7. He Deletes His Browsing History – Every Day

So I dated a guy way back when and every single time I would use his computer for anything, I'd notice that he'd constantly delete his history, as if he didn't want me to go snooping. Now, I am a very trusting person, but isn't that weird? If you are having the same problem with your man, it could be a sign he is shady!

8. He Won’t Introduce You to Anyone He Knows

Just because you've met his dog and been to his place once, doesn't mean that he is ready to commit to you completely. If it's been months and you've still never met any of his friends, his family or even his roommate, then that is a little weird right?

9. His Day is Always ‘Fine’ – No Details

Finally girls, does your guy give you the 'my day has been fine', with absolutely no details ever, it could be a sign he is shady. I know that when I say my day is fine, typically something is wrong, but I'm not ready to admit it. If that's the case, then he probably isn't being shady, but if he constantly doesn't give up the details, confront him about it!

Do you have a feeling that he is being shady? Well girls, now you've got the top signs he is shady and all of the things you should watch out for! So, what other signs he is shady have you encountered? Give 'em up girls!

Top Image Source: bialeinspiracje.pl

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Did they somehow base this article on my "ex"? He fits each

help me...

OMG !! my boyfriend always n always do that ....what should I do know??? Please help me... Gosh.. {T-T}

So, I'm 19 weeks pregnant. Here recently my fiance has been acting very strange. He's been Buying new suits, new cologne, using gel in his hair, working out, dieting. Now he's not a big guy. About 5'10 & 170 lbs. He used to just throw his phone down when he got in from work and not touch it for the rest of the time. All of a sudden he won't let it leave his body. When I ask him why he just says Idk I don't mean anything by it. Sometimes I'll leave the room for an hour or so... come back and he's on it and as soon as he notices me he hurries and puts it back in his pocket. I know dreams just mean insecurities but I keep dreaming of him sleeping with all these women in front of me. I feel we don't communicate anymore ans he's just not satisfied sexually anymore. I'm so stressed.

i already talk with him face to face about that but he seem want to ignore what i want to ask him... he always remind me that i cant do that,i cant do this... if i went out with my friend ( girl & boy ) ..he will mad at me,but he also wwent out with his friend without telling me..i really dont want to end up our relationship but he always make me sad... acctually, its almost 2 years we been together ,,but after he went to another school that far from my hometown, i can see something had chance in him..

My husband has always been pretty clingy to his phone. He recently went through a 30 day rehab stint and I wanted to make sure he wasn't falling off the wagon. Well when he was in the bathroom the other week i had to snoop, I was only able to read a little of his texts but one really shook me. He had probably close to 100 texts from a woman. I only was able to read a few lines and catch a glimpse of a picture she sent him of herself naked. He had replied she was "hot and a devil" later he wrote some inappropriate lyrics to her. ( he then walked into the room and I was unable to look at anything further) When I confronted him he claimed they were just friends and he just had a laps in judgement about how he replied to the picture, and that she was gay. I am confused and feel like I can't trust him. I know he loves me, but when he promised he would not speak with her again and even showed me the text he sent her telling her they couldn't be friends any longer I felt like he was lying. Well tonight I looked up our cell phone call history on the website and I can see he has text and spoken with her...

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