Facts about Losing Your Virginity for Girls Who Are Worried It Will Change Them ...


Facts about Losing Your Virginity for Girls Who Are Worried It Will Change Them ...
Facts about Losing Your Virginity for Girls Who Are Worried It Will Change Them ...

Losing your virginity is a big deal, so it should be treated as such. You don't want to sleep with someone and then regret it a few days, or even years, later. It's best to wait until you're completely ready, so that you're comfortable with the situation. However, having sex isn't going to change you as a person. In fact, here are a few other things that won't change when you lose your virginity:

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Your Body

If you haven't already broken your hymen by playing sports, then your "cherry is going to pop" when you have sex for the first time. However, other than that, your body isn't going to change at all. Your vagina acts like a rubber band, so it isn't going to become loose after you have sex. Your body will look the same as it always did, so there's no reason to be afraid of "ruining" it.


Your Relationship Status

You should never sleep with someone in the hopes that they'll end up dating you after the fact. Unfortunately, some men are only interested in sex. While sleeping with a guy could potentially change your relationship, it probably won't. So don't assume that he'll suddenly love you if you take your clothes off for him. If he doesn't like you before you sleep together, he won't like you after you sleep together.

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Your Value

You might've been taught that pure women are more valuable than sexually active women. However, losing your virginity doesn't make you more or less attractive, and it certainly doesn't make you more or less valuable. You're still the same person, so your value hasn't gone up or down.

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The Way Others View You

You're not going to be shunned by society after having sex. You're not going to become the most popular kid in school after having sex, either. After all, no one will even know that you're sexually active unless you or your partner tells them. That means you'll be viewed the same way as you always were.

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Your Feelings

After you have sex with someone, your feelings for them probably won't change. If anything, they'll end up becoming more intense. So if you want to sleep with a guy in order to get over him, it's not a great idea. If you liked him before you had sex, you'll only end up liking him even more after you have sex.

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Your Morals

As long as you're completely ready (and old enough) to deal with the repercussions of having sex, you shouldn't feel bad about losing your virginity. Being sexually active doesn't mean that you're immoral. Stealing, cheating, and using drugs are all worse crimes. If having mature, protected sex is the worst thing that you're doing, you can give yourself a pat on the back.

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Your Personality

Having sex might boost your confidence, but it's not going to change you into an entirely different person. You're still you. So don't expect your life to change after sleeping with someone. For the most part, things will stay exactly the same as they always were.

If you're not 100% ready to have sex, then don't let anyone pressure you into doing it. But if you've found the right man for you and believe that you're mature enough to handle all of the things that sex entails, you shouldn't feel bad about losing your virginity. What do you think is the most ridiculous lie that women are told about losing their virginity?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I don't have anything against people who do drugs, and have done some myself. But at the end of the day, it is illegal. Whether they choose to or not is not the point, its illegal. If someone chooses to murder it doesn't make it any less of a crime, like I said, yes, it's there choice. But it's still a crime, and it can lead to very serious dangers, including death. The author was simply saying sex is not a bad thing, it's not going to hurt you physically, or in the view of the law (when done consensual you), and drugs and stealing will. You can't go to jail for two adults having consensual sex, but you can go to prison for years for drugs.

I think people should wait until they are married. It's supposed to be a special moment to cherish with your partner after you get married. And you don't loose it to someone who might just be using you.

Wow! This needs to be discuss with teens nowadays.

Also that you won't get "loose" the vagina opens during arousal, and tightens back to normal when done. So all the boys saying "she's loose" are incredibly uneducated and don't know how to arouse a girl. The more turned on the more your vagina stretches. So if you're not "loose" youre not aroused enough.

Yes I agree with Annabelle, unfortunately there is still a double standard especially in a lot of cultures around the world that it's ok for a man to do what he wishes but when a woman does she's a tramp. And unfortunately a lot of guys brag about popping a girls cherry, so word gets around very quick.

Alka, We are sexual beings and that is one of the gifts we have been given as man and woman, but please don't compare us to all mammals. We have been given a soul, a superior intellect, and fee will, which makes the human race much different than any other creature on the planet. What we do with these gifts is our choice, as is the decision to use or abstain from drug use. Unfortunately, our society has relegated sex as a mechanical exercise bent only on pleasure to be acted upon whenever our emotions get the urge - just like animals! We are missing the procreative gift, the spiritual union between husband and wife in marriage the way it was intended. This takes discipline, will, emotional intimacy with a partner for a lifetime commitment. I know from past experience . . . I've made the mistake myself. It isn't easy, but you will save yourself much heartache if you can foster a healthy spiritual life now.

Consensually *

@Jessica your comment is perfect...

4 isn't true my best friend lost her virginity and some how everyone found out and they harassed about it so much that she moved schools

If you and your partner are mature enough then no others will not know, but for some younger people the maturity is not always there and when people find out they may label you as something you are not so just make sure you are with the right person

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