10 Ways to Start a Flirty Conversation with a Guy ...


10 Ways to Start a Flirty Conversation with a Guy ...
10 Ways to Start a Flirty Conversation with a Guy ...

Learning how to start a flirty conversation with your crush or even just a guy you just met isn't easy. Guys are sometimes really hard to talk to first right? Well ladies, I've got a fool-proof guide to the top 10 ways on how to start a flirty conversation with a crush or a guy you just met! These tips will not only help you start a flirty conversation, but they will also help keep the conversation flowing free!

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Read His Body Language

The first tip on how to start a flirty conversation is to read his body language. Is he interested in you? Only one way to find out! Flirt with him a little, see if he responds, see if he reciprocates. Does he lean in a little just to smell? Is he giving you small little touches? If so, he's definitely interested and the conversation should flow a little easier!


Start with Small Talk

Ladies, one of the most common mistakes that we make is we try too hard to get everything out in the first fifteen minutes of a conversation. When you are looking for ways on how to start a flirty conversation, start small! Small talk really does go a really long way!


Chatting about mundane things like the weather or your favorite local coffee shop can help break the ice and build a comfortable rapport. Remember, it's not about the topic itself, but about the easy flow of conversation. Keep it lighthearted and throw in a playful joke or a witty comment here and there. Before you know it, you’ll find more common ground that can naturally lead to flirtier topics. Keep that smile on, maintain eye contact, and let the sparkle in your eyes signal that you're enjoying the banter and his company.


Good Opening

Small talk is good after a great opening. When you are looking for ways on how to start a flirty conversation, you gotta start with a really great and clever opening line. Give him a compliment or maybe say something really witty. It's gotta perk his attention!


Starting a flirty conversation with a guy can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can make a great impression and get the conversation going. Here are 10 ways to start a flirty conversation with a guy:

  1. Compliment Him. A great way to start a flirty conversation is to give him a compliment. Whether it’s about his style, his personality, or his looks, a compliment can make him feel special and appreciated.

  2. Ask Him Questions. Asking questions is a great way to get to know someone and keep the conversation going. Ask him about his hobbies, his interests, his job, or his day.

  3. Good Opening. Small talk is good after a great opening. When you are looking for ways on how to start a flirty conversation, you gotta start with a really great and clever opening line. Give him a compliment or maybe say something really witty. It's gotta perk his attention!

  4. Send a Text. Texting is a great way to start a conversation with a guy. Text him something funny or interesting, or send him a flirty message.


Ask Questions

So you may have been talking to a guy for a little while, but you're looking to progress the conversation a little more right? Well ladies, you gotta ask open ended questions for that! Ask him about his life, what his dreams are, about his family. All of these items will keep the conversation flowing!


Asking open-ended questions is a crucial step in starting a flirty conversation with a guy. It allows for a deeper and more meaningful conversation to take place, making it easier for both parties to connect. By asking about his life, dreams, and family, you are showing genuine interest in getting to know him better. This can also lead to potential common interests or experiences that can further fuel the conversation. Additionally, asking questions can help keep the conversation flowing and prevent it from becoming stagnant. So don't be afraid to ask questions and keep the conversation going!


Talk about Common Interests

So you both like cycling or working out, why not talk about it? You can compare stats or even just talk about your favorite sport, work out routine or even what bikes you like. Find a common ground and see where the conversation goes from there!

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Avoid Ex Talk

Remember those mistakes I mentioned up there? Well ladies, the second biggest is talking about the ex right out of the gate. Never bring up ex boyfriends or girlfriends in the beginning. It's not a good flirty conversation piece!


Compliment Him

Compliments are always a good opener line, as I mentioned above, but they are also great sprinkled throughout the conversation. Tell him that you like jacket or maybe that his smile is beautiful. Guys like to feel confident whenever they are talking with a girl and compliments are a great way to get him feeling confident!


Approach Him First

Remember that confidence piece? Well, a guy actually loves a girl with confidence too. That means that if you're willing to take the first step and approach the guy you like, he'll know just how confident you really are!


Be Witty

Witty, funny, and intelligent are all things that guys are looking for. If you play along with their sarcasm, give into some of their little witty comments, you'll become the cool and hip girl! Trust me, this is one of the surefire ways to start up a flirty conversation easily!


Have a Sense of Humor

Finally, lighten up ladies! Just because he is poking fun at you doesn't mean that he's being mean. In fact, he is probably just testing your limits just to see if you do have a sense of humor.

Finding just the right ways on how to start up a flirty conversation can be hard in the beginning. After all, talking to a guy isn't the easiest thing in the world right? So ladies, what other tips and tricks do you have on how to start up a flirty conversation with a guy?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Hey im in grade 8 and im friends with a lot of boys via facebook and i chat with them and flirt with them online but as soon as i see them at school i freeze and turn away!! Help what can i do!?

Hi . theres a kid that i like and i think he likes me back . We mess around in class and he tickles me and we have fun . we go rollerskating almost every friday but , he just got out of a relationship about a month ago . :( and he might be moving to texas, and i really like him . ive liked him since 7th grade , im in 8th now and im going to high school . in about 3 months . what should i do to get closer to dating him ?

please can someone help me- i really like this boy who is in some of my classes and his older brother is really hot and he knows this . i tell everybody who i fancy, i never care so i think he knows i like him along with his brother. i always look at him in my lessons and in maths he looks at me but never stares, he is so hot. im confident and act like i dont care if boys tell me to go away but really i do and i really just want to go up to him and go hey lovely how are you but it will make him think WTF and scare him away. i never know what to say when to say. i really want to do really subtle flirting and not just randomly go up to him. sometimes and i call his name and waves and he waves back and when i do talk to, i talk about his brother because thats the only thing i talk about. can someone help me out please

I love how every comment on this page is asking for advice. Lol!

I really like this guy garrison, and I've liked him for a while I just don't know how he feels about me. Should I just ask him or leave it be?

I am in 7th grade, and I like the school nerd. I'm not popular, but im part of that circle. We talk all the time, but I dont know what to do when he gets into things like my dreams, and stuff like that.... Please give me some advice!

what are good things to say to a cute guy you randomly see. BTW: i dont know him, but i know he plays guitar

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