17 Questions We Wish We Could Ask Our Exes ...


17 Questions  We Wish We Could Ask Our Exes ...
17 Questions  We Wish We Could Ask Our Exes ...

When you are dealing with a breakup, it’s really hard on you emotionally, I’ve been there! Don’t you just wish you could sit down and ask your ex some questions? What would you ask them?

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Unfortunately know the answers to questions #1,4,13,14& 17

They are exes for a reason! Don't dwell on the past, look forward to the future. Time goes by way to fast to think about what every lil thing your ex thought!

My type of break up was different. We broke up because of different ethnicity backgrounds.

I wish I could ask my exes these questions but we don't get along anymore.

omg how sad. :( break ups are super hard.

I feel you on that @Morganne. If he didn't fight for the relationship why have any petty questions to ask? IJS

Sorry .. Typo .. My first comment was "this all screams I haven't moved on, why have you?"

Completely lame. I wouldn't ask any of these questions or care about the answers.

This is so so true! 👌🏻

I hope the mourning ends soon.

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