15 Questions You Secretly Want to Ask on a First Date ...


15 Questions You Secretly Want to Ask on a First Date ...
15 Questions You Secretly Want to Ask on a First Date ...

Don't you hate skating around certain topics when you meet someone new? Well, you shouldn't worry, because your date is probably wondering the same things about you as you're wondering about them. Here are questions everyone secretly wants to ask on a first date, as told by BuzzFeed:

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Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Oh shit. I would ask like 5 of these questions!! 😂😂😂 This is why I'm single! But hey? I'm not dating you if you've cheated before! #sorrynotsorry

😂 it says secretly ask

#15 I didn't call. Should I have? He put it on Instagram.

I totally agree with travelgalxo. Totally disgusting list.

I have asked some of these. I'm pretty straight forward and blunt tho.

My main question is usually where they see themselves on he future or if they want to get married and have a family. Only reason I ask is to avoid wasting time with someone you're not compatible with.

I uhh .. Cannot fathom asking any of these on a first date, this list is hilarious ( of course it's what's possibly on our minds but still ) ... Wow hahahah

Number 5 got me like 👀👀👀

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