Every Guy Loves a Kind Compliment ...


These are things every guy loves to hear. There are specific things that make a guy feel loved just like there are specific things that make you as a woman feel loved. You probably love to hear that he thinks you’re beautiful or how he’s always dreamed of meeting someone like you. These statements are kind of the equivalent of those, they're just things every guy loves to hear.

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“I Love How Strong You Are.”

One of the things every guy loves to hear is that you notice his strength and appreciate it. He wants to know you know he’s strong enough to protect you if the situation ever arises. This may not make perfect sense to you but trust me on this one. Try it out and watch his reaction. Most likely, he’ll stand a little taller after this compliment.


“I’m Proud of You.”

If your guy has done great at something, tell him that. Tell him how proud you are of his accomplishments. He’ll love to hear this coming from the woman he loves. I think this is a compliment that both sexes appreciate. It’s always good to know that your partner notices what a great job you’ve done.

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“You Make Me Feel like a Princess.”

Your guy wants to know he’s doing a good job as your boyfriend or husband. Your happiness actually matters a lot to him. If you aren’t sure about this, ask him and listen to his answer. Most likely he’ll tell you that your happiness means everything to him or give you an answer that’s very similar. Telling him that he makes you feel like a princess lets him know he’s a success at being your man.


“You’re Amazing.”

Who doesn’t love to be told they’re amazing? If your man is, tell him so. It’ll boost his confidence and make him feel loved. Compliments are important in relationships. They’re positive communications that send the message that everything’s going well.


“I Admire You.”

Guys thrive on admiration and respect. They’re wired differently than we are. We want to hear how much they love us and in what specific ways. While your guy likes that, he also loves to hear all the things you admire about him. So make his day and tell him the specific things about him that impress you.

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“You’re My Hero.”

You may feel a little silly saying this but he’ll love it. If he’s come to your rescue when you’re locked out of your apartment or your car’s broken down on the side of the road then he’s your hero, so tell him so. Men love to save the day. And let’s admit it, we’re really grateful when they do. It’s not that we can’t handle situations on our own but sometimes it’s really nice when our guy does it for us.


“Thank You.”

This is so very simple that it doesn’t seem like it should make the list. But the truth is that appreciation is big for a guy. They want to know you appreciate things they do for you and a simple thank you means a lot. Next time he stops at the store to pick up your favorite soda or some ibuprofen for you, make sure to thank him and give him your beautiful smile. He would happily climb mountains for that response from you.

It’s your turn. What things make your guy light up? Share your secrets with me!

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I know it's cliché and corny maybe, but how about: 'you complete me'? Awesome article by the way!

Beautiful article! :)

It's really work ??

They do like These

Couldn't agree more Jennapher! You took the words right out of my mouth. No you don't have your 'bitch' on. You are like me-the opposite to the stepfords wives type (who would in fact give these compliments!)

I greatly appreciate the concept upon which this article is based, but I can't help but feel that most of these are sexist. All men are "strong" and love to hear about it? Just how does it feel being a "princess"? Oh honey, you are my big strong hero, and you make me feel just like a princess...doesn't this sound just a bit condescending and disingenuous? Not all men are strong, nor heroic, nor amazing....any more than women are delicate, damsels in distress, or desire to feel like princesses. I know this is really picky, maybe I just have my bitch on, but most of the men I know (which is NOT a very good barometer by which to judge these compliments) would laugh if I told them I love how strong they are. Based on the other comments, I am in the minority, and I mean no disrespect. And I completely agree that too often women AND men forget to say "thank you."

Should always appreciate one another:)

I try and tell my boyfriend these all the time..... It's true. He loves it! Love this article

You can still be a powerful woman and still need a man unless you are playing for the other team! Face it, we all like to be buttered up! The important thing is to actually mean it! Substitute "smart, resourceful, creative," etc. for strong and you still have a home run! You will never get what you desire if you maintain your "I am woman watch me roar" attitude when you are near the object of you desires!

Loved this ❤️

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