Questions We All Want to Ask the Guys Who Ghosted Us ...


Girls, with texting, emailing, swiping, it's easy for guys to reject us via ghosting. How do you deal with it? Don't you wish you could ask them WHY they ghosted? Well, since I've been ghosted on a BUNCH, I decided to make a list of every question I'd like to ask that asshole if I ever get a response.

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Will You Ghost the Next Girl?

Will You Ghost the Next Girl?


How Would You Feel if Your Sister Was the One Being Ghosted?

How Would You Feel if Your Sister Was the One Being Ghosted?


Should I Expect an Apology at Some Point down the Line, Once You Realize What an Asshole You’ve Been?

Should I Expect an Apology at Some Point down the Line, Once You Realize What an Asshole You’ve Been?


Do You Regret It?

Do You Regret It?


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Why Did You Change Your Mind?

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How Would You like if You Were the One That Got Ghosted on?

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At What Point Exactly Did You Decide That I Deserved to Be Ignored Altogether?

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Why Did You Bother with Me in the First Place?

Why Did You Bother with Me in the First Place?


How Many Women Did You Ghost before Me?

How Many Women Did You Ghost before Me?


Was It Something That I Said?

Was It Something That I Said?


Were You Talking to Other Women at the Same Time as Me?

Were You Talking to Other Women at the Same Time as Me?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

I feel like that goes both ways

It means that the guy goes silent and stops talking to you.

Thank you Heather! I really appreciate your explanation.

But due to disrespect

First of all, what is the meaning of the verb "to ghost"? Remember that not only Americans read these posts, be polite with people from other countries and explain your terms whenever you use slang, please!

Wat if the girl does it

I loved the way u wrote😍

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