17 Little Heartbreaking Ways People Cheat without Actually Having Sex ...


17 Little Heartbreaking Ways People Cheat without Actually Having Sex ...
17 Little Heartbreaking Ways People Cheat without Actually Having Sex ...

You can cheat on someone without laying a finger on someone else. Cheating is all about intent, which is why emotional cheating is often more devastating than a physical affair. Personally, I think I'd be more forgiving of a sexual encounter because that's just sex and sex doesn't always mean anything more than an orgasm. Getting all tangled up with someone emotionally is altogether different. Distancing yourself is altogether different, too. All the little ways people cheat without having sex still add up and easily result in the demise of the relationship.

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Sexting with Anyone

Sexting with Anyone If you're trying to get off with someone else, you're pretty much kind of cheating, you know? You're not technically having sex, but still.


Sexting might not include physical contact, but let's keep it real—it's a full-on emotional and sexual betrayal. Those flirty emojis and steamy messages are like virtual kisses you're blowing to someone that isn't your significant other. It's kind of a modern-day love letter, only it's not so romantic when it's a behind-the-back thing. It suggests a connection beyond the platonic, and it's totally not what you signed up for when you committed to being faithful, right?


Creating Profiles on Dating Apps

Creating Profiles on Dating Apps Don't say you're just trying to see what's out there because … well, why? If you're that curious about what you're missing, you maybe shouldn't be in a relationship in the first place.


And Using Them

And Using Them This is even worse, though. It may never come to anything, but if you use an app to hook up with other people, you have the intent to cheat.


Creating Alternate Personas Online

Creating Alternate Personas Online Ditto, plus it's catfishing and catfishing is never cool.


Taking Flirtation Too Far with a Friend

Taking Flirtation Too Far with a Friend People flirt. That's not a big deal. Flirting can go too far, though, and you know when it's reached that point.


Flirting with a friend might seem harmless, but when it crosses a line, it can jeopardize your friendship and your existing relationship. It starts off innocently enough: a playful banter here, a lingering gaze there. But when you're saving your most charming quips for them, or feeling that electric charge during incidental touches, you're treading into dangerous territory. Shared secrets and inside jokes morph into private texting sessions that you hide from your partner. The excitement of this subtle, emotional foray can often be as powerful and damaging as a physical affair.

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Comparing Your Partner to Someone You're Interested in

Comparing Your Partner to Someone You're Interested in It's never fair to compare your partner to anyone. Comparing her/him to someone else you have feelings for, however, that's just wrong.


Thinking about Someone else during Sex with Your Partner

Thinking about Someone else during Sex with Your Partner I don't mean thinking about a celebrity or someone you simply fantasize about, obviously. If you're physically imagining someone you've wanted to be with, though, that's like cheating by proxy.


Carrying on a Virtual Relationship

Carrying on a Virtual Relationship Long-term texting relationships are increasingly common. You may never do anything physical and you may do it under the guise of friendship or flirtation, but it can cross a line into more serious territory.


When you start sharing secrets, dreams, and fears over the screen, your heart gets intertwined. The messages might be innocent at first—a joke, a meme, an update—and then they evolve into late-night deep dives into your psyche. Before you know it, you're waiting for their notification like it's the highlight of your day. That connection becomes a sanctuary, potentially more intimate than a physical one. There lies the heartbreak—you're emotionally entangled with someone who may remain just pixels on a screen.


Withholding Sex Because You're Thinking of Someone else

Withholding Sex Because You're Thinking of Someone else For instance, if you have a crush on someone other than your partner and refuse to sleep with your partner because you feel like you'd be cheating on your crush, that's … well, kind of cheating, isn't it?


Sending Photos

hair, face, blond, hairstyle, long hair, Sending risque photos, that is. Sharing nude photos with anyone other than your partner is just … no.


Sending Videos

Sending Videos Same.


Confiding Solely in Someone else

Confiding Solely in Someone else It's okay to have a friend who's more like your soul mate than your partner. However, when you completely stop confiding in your partner and share your feelings solely with someone else, that's pretty serious.


When emotional intimacy shifts exclusively to a friend, your bond with your significant other can become compromised. This emotional reliance can sneakily lay the groundwork for a deeper betrayal, even if it's unintentional. Heart-to-heart conversations are pivotal for maintaining closeness in romantic relationships. By outsourcing your emotional needs, it's like forming an invisible wedge between you and your partner. True, it's vital to have a supportive network, but not at the cost of eroding the trust and connection in your romantic life.


Telling Someone They Understand You More than Your Partner

Telling Someone They Understand You More than Your Partner First of all, is that true? Because that's not great. Second of all, this is another case where you're comparing your partner to someone else and putting all your feelings outside of your relationship.


Pretending That You're Single

Pretending That You're Single You only say this if you wish you were single. There's no other reason.


Making Plans to Leave without a Word

Making Plans to Leave without a Word This means you're not communicating at all, and once you stop communicating, things are all but done.


Exchanging “I Love Yous” with Someone else

Exchanging “I Love Yous” with Someone else For obvious reasons.


Lying More Often than You Tell the Truth

Lying More Often than You Tell the Truth Even if you're not interested in someone specific, once you get to this stage, your heart and your mind are somewhere else.

When you start pulling away from your relationship, in whatever way, you've already made a decision that you don't want to be in it anymore. Some people – can some couples – can come back from this, but not all of them. Have you done any of these things? Would it bother you if your partner did?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

He did. Yes, I'm devastated. Still am and he wants me to be sorry for bringing up what he has done to me, about his massive lust and crush after our Marriage Counselor! Guess what? She knew about his feelings for her, cause he told her and she didn't tell me or tell us to see a different counselor because it his feelings for her were harming our marriage. She knew and they both deceived me and my insurance paid for her cute, little outfits she wore around my husband! My husband hadn't bought me anything new in a while.

Ive done this to my partner and i really regret it because he was there for me when noone else was i love him

Ok...but saying "I love you" isn't always said in a romantic way. I tell all my friends I love them. That doesn't mean I'm cheating on my boyfriend

All five of my exes cheated on me. And I was too naive to realize it until it was too late! Never gonna make that mistake again. I've been single for 3 years now, just trying to focusing on me and my wellbeing.

Exchanging "I love yous" isn't a little way to cheat... Hmmm 🤔

From what show is 7?

How do you ever really know if your boyfriend is telling the truth if he doesn't do these things or not? Not that I'm being pushy, but he has to respect you and not do these things if he really loves you..


Sad to say but I've had the "emotional affair" and I'm telling you, it's hard to get out of. Weirdly enough I still care for the other guy, even though I've moved on. I know he cares for me still, since he told me he still loves me! 😓

@Cheyenne Maria that's one of the reasons why I broke up with mine, he also deleted convos between him and the other girl

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