17 Types of Dates That Will Build Sexual Tension ...


17 Types of Dates That Will Build Sexual Tension ...
17 Types of Dates That Will Build Sexual Tension ...

If you're lucky enough to go out on the town with your crush, you need to pick the right location to spend the night. If you go somewhere bland and boring, the date is bound to be a dud. That's why you should think things through before you settle on plans. Here are a few different dates that'll build the sexual tension:

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Couple's Yoga

Couple's Yoga Seeing you do the downward dog is definitely going to make him think of something dirty. After all, you look amazing in your tight little yoga pants.


But it's not just about the eye candy. Couple's yoga brings a physical closeness that's unrivaled, with poses that require you to balance and support each other in new, exciting ways. As you move together, breath syncing, you build a non-verbal intimacy that's supercharged with each shared stretch. The trust it takes to lean into one another deepens the connection, and the mutual encouragement creates an emotional bond that's just as strong as the physical. Plus, those endorphins are a real kicker for setting the mood.



Skydiving Did you know it's best to go on a date that'll give you both an adrenaline rush? When that happens, you're more likely to feel arousal and attraction.


Skydiving is the ultimate adventure that can take your date to new heights—literally! As you freefall from the sky, holding hands or simply sharing this exhilarating experience, the surge of adrenaline can be incredibly bonding. It’s the perfect cocktail of fear, excitement, and trust that can bring you closer together. Plus, there’s something incredibly sexy about stepping out of comfort zones together. Afterwards, the natural high and shared sense of accomplishment set the perfect stage for an intimate connection. Just make sure you’re both up for the thrill!


Beach Date

Beach Date You'll both be half-naked in your bathing suits, which means some sexual things are bound to cross your minds.


Certainly, the sun will be sizzling, but so will the chemistry between you two as you lay on the warm sand. The sound of waves crashing sets a rhythmic and romantic backdrop perfect for a little flirtatious banter. Don't forget to pack a picnic with both of your favorite snacks to share; it’s an easy way to care for each other in a sweet and personal way. And if you're feeling bold, try a playful splash fight in the water—a guaranteed method to get the heart racing and the laughs flowing. Just remember to pack the sunscreen, because nothing kills the mood quicker than a painful sunburn!


Dance Class

Dance Class Slow dancing is romantic. After all, your bodies will be pressed against each other.


But salsa or tango can really turn up the heat. The rhythm and the steps demand close attention to each other's movements, creating a dynamic interplay that's both exhilarating and charged with a sensual energy. As you learn to move in sync, the sound of your breath and the catch of a gaze invite an intimate conversation without words. There's an undeniable thrill in the challenge of a new dance step, especially when it means an accidental brush of hands or the slightest tension as you spin each other around. This playful yet passionate setting is perfect for forging a deeper connection.


Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting A little bit of wine can set the mood. After drinking a glass or two, you'll both be ready to kiss.


Embarking on a wine tasting date isn't just about sampling the flavors; it’s about the sensory experience. As you both swirl, sniff, and sip your way through different varietals, you’ll find yourselves indulging in the subtle art of flirtation. It is a perfect opportunity to admire the depth of a merlot or the crispness of a chardonnay, all while exchanging coy glances and playful commentary. The intimate setting of a winery or a cozy wine bar provides a backdrop that naturally lends itself to physical closeness and anticipatory touches, ensuring that the romantic tension simmers delightfully.

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Cooking Class

Cooking Class You've seen movies where couples throw flour at each other and eat chocolate off of each other's fingers. What's better foreplay than that?


Signing up for a cooking class can be an incredibly sensual experience. The act of creating something together, from kneading dough to grilling the perfect steak, can be an intimate team effort. It's not just about the food—it's about the dialogue between you as you taste spices and sauces, the laughter as something inevitably goes awry, and the anticipation as you wait for your culinary creations to be ready. Imagine locking eyes over a simmering pot, or sharing a spoonful of a dessert you made together. The closeness in the kitchen is sure to spill over into the rest of the evening.



human action, person, human positions, sitting, leg, The gym can fill you with adrenaline. That's why it's another great place to go when you want to build the sexual tension.


Working out together can be incredibly sexy. Between spotting each other with the weights and cheering each other on during those last few reps, you create a bond built on mutual encouragement and sweat. The physical exertion releases endorphins, which make you feel good and increase your attraction to your partner. Plus, the opportunity to admire each other's physique in workout gear can be quite a turn on. Throw in a little competitive flirting over who can hold the longest plank, and you'll leave the gym with more than just a good workout.


Amusement Park

Amusement Park Here's another way to get your adrenaline pumping. One ride on a roller coaster will get you in the right frame of mind.


Amusement parks aren't just for kids; they're perfect for those daring couples looking for exciting thrills. Feel the wind rush through your hair as you clasp hands on the highest drop, and share that buzz of energy that lingers after a wild ride. Between the laughter and screams, there's an undeniable electric connection that forms when you're both pushed to your emotional edges. And don't forget, the top of the Ferris wheel offers a romantic pause – perfect for that [heart-melting] kiss with a view.


Lingerie Shopping

Lingerie Shopping You don't have to model the lingerie for him. When he sees you looking at a certain piece, he'll be able to imagine you wearing it in his mind.


Use this as an opportunity to play with subtlety and anticipation. Glide your fingers over the fabrics and make eye contact with him as you consider different styles. Perhaps ask for his opinion, making him part of the experience, and allowing the tension to build naturally. It's not just about the lingerie itself; it's about the promise of what's to come. This shared secret can be an exciting prelude to a passionate evening, all while keeping things classy and intriguing.


Netflix and Chill

Netflix and Chill Everyone knows that this is code for sex. That's why watching a movie with him by your side is a surefire way to build sexual tension.


Imagine the flickering screen casting a soft glow across the room as you both settle in under a cozy blanket, sharing a bowl of popcorn. It's the subtle glance exchanges, the roving hands brushing against each other 'accidentally' that dial up the heat. With every plot twist, the excuse to snuggle closer becomes undeniable. And when a particularly scary or intense scene grips the on-screen characters, it's not just the actors feeling the rush of adrenaline. It's the perfect pretext for your hearts to beat faster and that delicious tension to grow, all while pretending to be absorbed in the story unfolding before you.



Clubbing If you end up grinding on each other, it'll be impossible to think of anything but sex. After all, you're basically doing it with your clothes still on.


The heat from your bodies, the pulse of the music vibrating through every fibre – it's electric. The close proximity isn't just about the space you're in; it's about the personal space you surrender to one another. And with each thumping beat, you're sending out flirty signals louder than any words could. Whether you're sharing a drink or a sly smile, the club's ambiance is the perfect playground to playfully tease the boundaries of intimacy. Just remember to pace yourselves – this is a marathon, not a sprint, and the anticipation you're building is part of the thrill.


Picnic with Aphrodisiacs

Picnic with Aphrodisiacs Certain foods can cause you to get in the mood. Put together a picnic that involves those foods, like watermelon and chocolate.


Consider incorporating classic aphrodisiacs like oysters and figs which have been historically regarded as symbols of love and fertility. A touch of honey, which is rich in B vitamins crucial for testosterone production, could sweeten your outdoor banquet as well. You might indulge in a few strawberries dipped in chocolate, not only for their sensual appeal but also because they're packed with antioxidants that support blood flow and heart health. Accent your picnic with some almonds and a refreshing ginger-infused beverage—both known to ignite passion—to make the experience even more tantalizing.



Spa Taking your clothes off to get a couple's massage will make you feel sensual. When you get out of the spa, you'll both be ready to hop into bed together.



interaction, romance, obal, ARMIE, HAMMER, If you two are bookworms, you can browse through the library. Head straight to the erotic novel section if you want to spark some sexy conversations.


Exploring the hushed aisles together, you might find yourselves whispering about favorite authors or engaging in flirtatious literary debates. Let the quiet atmosphere enhance the intimacy between you. Find a secluded corner and exchange coy glances over the top of a book. Maybe even suggest reading passages aloud to each other—choose something charged with passion and intrigue to set the mood. The shared experience of a story can bond you in unique ways, paving the path for deeper connection... and maybe a real-life plot twist of your own.



Stargaze If you lay out on a blanket together to watch the stars, you're bound to end up kissing. After all, there's nothing more romantic than that!


Imagine the cool breeze caressing your skin and the inky sky above, adorned with a tapestry of twinkling stars. This serene setting brings you closer together, as you share stories and spot constellations. It's intimate and boundless—just like your potential connection. The universe seems to conspire, amplifying your attraction with every shooting star. Let the celestial magic envelop you, creating a moment that's utterly out of this world. Just remember, a wish made together under the stars has a special way of coming true, especially when it's sealed with a kiss.


Movie Theater

Movie Theater You've seen couples making out in the middle of a movie theater before. That's because the dim lights and romantic soundtrack can put anyone in the mood.


The flickering glow of the screen coupled with whispers of shared popcorn sets the stage for a cozy intimacy. Slipping your hand into theirs during a suspenseful scene or sharing a laugh during a romcom, the shared experience amplifies the connection. There's something thrilling about being surrounded by people, yet feeling like the only two in the room. Just remember to pick a spot in the back, so you can enjoy those stolen kisses without becoming the center of attention! After all, a shared love for cinema could signify the beginning of your own love story.


Laser Tag

Laser Tag This is another date that can get your adrenaline pumping. That means you two are bound to get worked up.

These dates will create so much sexual tension you won't be able to take it! Have you ever been on a date with plenty of sexual tension? Where did you two go?

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Great ideas!

Such fun!

If a guy ever take me skydiving not only am I not gonna jump, I'm never letting him pick an activity for us ever. Again.

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