17 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer about Your Boyfriend ...


17 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer about Your Boyfriend ...
17 Questions You Should Be Able to Answer about Your Boyfriend ...

You're not going to know everything about your boyfriend early on in a relationship. Of course, there are some pieces of info that are more important than others. Forget the small stuff and focus on finding out the important things. Here are a few questions that you should be able to answer about your boyfriend, even if you haven't been together for all that long:

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Does He Picture a Future with You?

Does He Picture a Future with You? If he doesn't plan on marrying you, you should find out now. It'll save you from a world of heartbreak in the future.


What’s His Phone’s Passcode?

New York Central System, New York Central System, NEW, YORK, CENTRAL, If he trusts you, then he should give you his passcode. He shouldn't have anything to hide from you.


What Cheers Him up when He’s Upset?

What Cheers Him up when He’s Upset? You should be the one person capable of making him smile when it's the last thing he wants to do.


What’s His Favorite Meal That You Make?

What’s His Favorite Meal That You Make? If you know what he likes the best, you can make it more often.


What Time Does He Wake up?

What Time Does He Wake up? You should know his schedule by heart.

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What’s the Most Important Thing in His Life?

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What Songs Make Him Think of You?

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How Long Does He Want to Date before Marriage?

clothing, footwear, wood, interior design, Does he want to wait a few months or a few decades? You can't plan out your future until you know info like this.


How Many Kids Does He Want?

How Many Kids Does He Want? Hopefully it's the same amount that you want. If you're not on the same page, you might have to break up.


What’s Your Name Listed as in His Phone?

What’s Your Name Listed as in His Phone? Is it "the old ball and chain" or "my one and only?" Your name will help you discover what he really thinks of you.


Where Did He Grow up?

Where Did He Grow up? The more you know about his childhood, the easier it'll be for you to understand why he grew into the man that he's become.


When Did He Have His First Kiss?

When Did He Have His First Kiss? Talking about exes can be uncomfortable, but it's important. You should know all about his past.


Is He Close with His Family?

Is He Close with His Family? If he's a mama's boy, it might be hard for you to pull him away from home.


What’s His Phone Number?

What’s His Phone Number? If your phone dies and you need to call him, you should know his number by heart.


What do His Parents Think of You?

What do His Parents Think of You? If they hate you, that could cause some problems down the road.


What Does He Love the Most about You?

black, white, black and white, person, man, If you know all of the reasons why he loves you, then you'll feel more confident than ever before.

If you don't know the answers to any of these questions, there's a simple solution. Just ask your man! How many of these questions did you know off of the top of your head?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Exactly what I was thinking Desiree Petit de Murat

@Desiree Petit de Murat I agree. Either you trust your guy or you are a jealous dominating partner.

What good does his phone number do if your phone dies? You need access to another phone to call him. Two words: land line.

I totally agree with you Desiree Petit de Murat. That point just totally threw me off

Maybe it's just difference in culture, but I don't see what's the big deal in pass codes. My boyfriend doesn't even have a passcode. I know my sisters' and roommate's pass codes though. They know mine too. Doesn't mean we just go through each other's phones. But just don't see what's the big deal with it. As I said, different cultures maybe.

If you girls don't have more than one phone get a cheap back up chances are you'll need one anyway one day


I don't think you should ask for anybody phone passcode. It's the other way around; if you trust him you shouldn't be ask him for it, if you don't trust him and you have to ask for his passcode,what's the point of this relationship?

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