How to Avoid Getting Crushed by a Crush ...

Holly Jan 4, 2022

How to Avoid Getting Crushed by a Crush ...
How to Avoid Getting Crushed by a Crush ...

You don't have to date a guy in order to have your heart broken. There are plenty of girls who have had their feelings hurt by their crushes. That's why you have to be careful once you develop feelings for someone. Here are a few ways to avoid getting crushed by a crush:

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1. Find out if He Has a Girlfriend Right Away

Find out if He Has a Girlfriend Right Away Before you name your future kids, find out if he has a girlfriend. If he does, then you can force yourself to stop thinking about him before your feelings become too strong.

2. Masturbate to Get Rid of Your Lust

Masturbate to Get Rid of Your Lust If you can't stop thinking about kissing a boy, then slip under your covers and start touching yourself. Once you get an orgasm out of your system, you should calm down.

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3. Like Multiple Guys at Once

Like Multiple Guys at Once You're allowed to crush on a handful of boys at once. In fact, it's better that way. Then, when one of them gets a girlfriend, you'll have a few other people to daydream about.

4. Have Other Hobbies

Have Other Hobbies You don't want boys to be the only thing on your mind. It's healthier to have different things on your mind, like your painting and your writing.

5. Raise Your Standards

Raise Your Standards If you have low standards, you're going to get your heart broken all the time. Don't settle for duds. Aim to date guys who are actually decent.

6. Don’t Fall for Him Based on Looks

Don’t Fall for Him Based on Looks If you like a boy, just because he's hot, you could end up disappointed when you see his personality. That's why you shouldn't go too crazy over a guy until you get to know him.

7. Don’t Believe What You See in Romcoms

Don’t Believe What You See in Romcoms Romantic comedies aren't realistic. So don't get upset when your crush asks you out with a text message instead of serenading you at your window.

8. Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations

Don’t Have Unrealistic Expectations Don't pretend that your crush is something that he's not. He's human, just like you are, so he's not as perfect as you're picturing him to be in your mind.

9. Ask Him out

face, hair, lip, head, eye, If you don't want to miss your chance with him, you need to ask him out. It's better than waiting around for him to make the first move.

10. Distract Yourself from Him

Distract Yourself from Him The best way to stop thinking about a boy is by keeping yourself busy. Read a book, clean your room, or apply for jobs.

11. Delete Him from Social Media

Delete Him from Social Media If you don't want to like him, you should unfriend him from Facebook and delete his number. Out of sight, out of mind.

12. Don’t Let Yourself Daydream about Him

Don’t Let Yourself Daydream about Him Whenever you catch yourself daydreaming about him, force yourself to think about something else. The less you think about him, the less obsessed you'll be with him.

13. Get Advice from Your Guy Friends

Get Advice from Your Guy Friends If you have male friends, ask them for dating advice. They might be able to tell you something that your gal pals can't.

14. Don’t Ask Him out in Front of a Group

person, mouth, muscle, singing, sense, If you're going to ask a guy out, don't do it in front of your entire school. If you get rejected, it'll feel less painful if no one is around to witness it.

15. Focus on Becoming Friends Instead of on Becoming Boyfriend and Girlfriend

Focus on Becoming Friends Instead of on Becoming Boyfriend and Girlfriend Instead of trying to date every boy you meet, try to make him your friend. Then you can take it from there.

16. Realize That Relationships Aren’t Everything

Realize That Relationships Aren’t Everything A man isn't going to change your life for the better. If you're unhappy, you'll need more than a relationship to change that. So you might want to focus on other areas of your life before you focus on finding a boyfriend.

17. Go out More to Meet More People

Go out More to Meet More People The more boys you talk to, the more opportunities you'll have to date. Whenever you meet a new group of people, you're raising your chances of finding true love.

Even if you don't end up with your crush, you can still avoid getting hurt by him by following these tips. Are you currently crushing hard on someone?

Feedback Junction

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And we are not talking for two months bcs i wasn't in the country

I saw him last night at the club

What! If a crush crushes u crush him back by moving on...simples!

I always daydream about the niggah but im to shy to even say hi , or to shy to even look in his eyes idk if u girls experience this but if a boy with nice ass eyes smile or look into your face ur panick . idk i think its just me

*SiGhS* I am always daydreaming about him.....

It not really normal for girls to ask guys out

Basically should u forget about him

I crushing on my guy friend 😑

@courtney same! I always daydream about my crush......and I always daydream about some scenario that's supposed to end up in some kind of modern fairytale

I have a crush on somebody I am not sure if he likes me he asked if I have a boyfriend but I am not sure that means he likes me as I live in Britain and he lives in turkey so what should I do should I forget him I new him when I was young but I forgot should I forget him??

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