17 Ways to Make Him See You as More than a Friend ...


Liking a friend can be heartbreaking. After all, you'll be stuck listening to them talk about their own crushes. Plus, you'll feel like you have to hide your feelings in order to keep the friendship alive. However, that doesn't have to happen. Here are a few ways to make him see you as more than a friend without ruining what you already have:

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Hang out One on One

Hang out One on One If you usually hang out as a group, it's time to switch things up. You'll get to know each other better if you hang out one-on-one.


Hanging out one-on-one is a great way to get to know someone better and can be a great way to show someone you are interested in them. Doing something special and out of the ordinary can make a lasting impression. Whether it’s a picnic in the park, a night at the movies, or a game night, it will be something that both of you will remember.

When you’re spending time together, focus on the conversation and ask questions about the other person. This will show that you’re interested in them and that you care about what they have to say. Make sure to listen to their answers and show that you’re interested in what they’re saying.

It’s also important to make sure that you’re both comfortable and that you’re both having a good time. If the conversation starts to get awkward, find something to laugh about or change the subject.

It’s also important to make sure that you’re both comfortable and that you’re both having a good time. Make sure to show your appreciation for their company and let them know that you’re having a good time.


Look into His Eyes

Look into His Eyes Eye contact can be incredibly sexy. That's why you should look him right in the eyes whenever you talk.


It’s no secret that eye contact can be incredibly powerful. When you look someone in the eyes, it can be a sign of affection, trust, and intimacy. That’s why it’s important to look him in the eyes whenever you talk.

Eye contact is especially important when it comes to relationships. It helps to build a strong connection between two people and can make them feel closer. It also helps to create a sense of trust and understanding.

When it comes to making him see you as more than a friend, eye contact can be a powerful tool. By locking eyes with him, you’re telling him that you’re interested in him and that you’re paying attention to what he’s saying. It also shows him that you’re confident and that you’re not afraid to show your feelings.

However, it’s important to remember that eye contact isn’t the only way to make him see you as more than a friend. You should also make sure to be an active listener and to show genuine interest in what he has to say. This will show him that you value his opinions and that you’re looking for a deeper connection.

Frequently asked questions

Look for signs like him spending extra time with you, giving you lots of compliments, or seeming a bit jealous when you talk about other guys. If he's making an effort to be close to you, that’s a pretty good hint!

Try to spend more one-on-one time together, drop hints about your feelings, flirt a bit, and maybe even touch his arm lightly when you're talking. Just be yourself and show that you’re interested in more than just friendship.

Start with subtle hints like compliments and eye contact. You could suggest doing things that are more like a date. If he’s into it, you’ll probably notice him reciprocating those vibes.

It’s tough, but it’s important to be honest about your feelings. If he doesn't feel the same way, give it some time. Sometimes friendships can evolve, but other times it's best to respect his feelings and move on.

It depends on your comfort level. If you feel bold and ready, go ahead and tell him. Sometimes expressing how you feel can clear the air and lead to something more. If you’re more traditional, you might want to wait and see if he shows signs of making a move.


Get Touchy

Get Touchy Instead of giving him high fives, try squeezing his arm after he tells a joke. It's flirty instead of friendly.


Physical touch is a powerful way to show someone that you care about them. It can be a subtle way to express your feelings in a non-threatening way. Squeezing your crush's arm after he tells a joke is a flirty way to show him that you appreciate his humor. This small gesture sends a message that you are interested in him and that you want to get to know him better.

Physical touch can be used to show affection and create a connection between two people. When you touch someone, it releases oxytocin, a hormone associated with feeling closer to someone. This can help build a stronger bond between two people.

Touching someone in a flirty way can also be a way to show your interest without feeling too vulnerable. If you are too nervous to tell your crush how you feel, then this can be a way to show them without having to say anything.


Compliment Him

Compliment Him Make sure to comment on how amazing he looks. He might even return the favor.


Complimenting someone is a great way to show them that you appreciate them and that you see them as more than just a friend. It’s an easy way to make them feel special and to let them know that you really care about them. When you compliment someone, make sure that it’s sincere and that you really mean what you say. A simple compliment can go a long way and can really make someone’s day.

When you compliment your special someone, make sure to be specific. Instead of just saying “you look nice today”, tell them something like “I love the way your eyes sparkle when you smile” or “you look amazing in that outfit”. Complimenting someone on their physical appearance is a great way to show them that you notice the effort they put into their appearance and that you appreciate it.

Complimenting someone can also be a great way to boost their confidence. Telling them that they’re smart, funny, or talented can be a great way to make them feel valued and appreciated. It can also be a great way to show them that you really care about them and that you’re interested in what they have to say.


Put on Romantic Music

Put on Romantic Music If you want to set the mood, you should use music to do so. It's a subtle way to make him see you differently.


Romantic music can be a great way to set the mood and make him see you as more than a friend. Music has a way of connecting people and creating a romantic atmosphere. When selecting romantic music, think about the type of music that makes you feel relaxed and content. It could be a slow ballad, a love song, or a piece of classical music.

When choosing romantic music, it is important to pay attention to the lyrics. Choose songs that have a positive message and evoke feelings of love and romance. You don't want to pick songs that are too cheesy or overly romantic.

Another important factor to consider is the volume. You don't want the music to be too loud or too soft. It should be just loud enough to be heard but not too loud that it becomes a distraction.

In addition to music, you can also use other elements to create a romantic atmosphere. You can light some candles, dim the lights, and use scented oils to fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

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Sit Closer to Him

Sit Closer to Him Platonic friends sit on opposite ends of the couch. So if you want to flirt, sit as close to him as possible.


Flirting can be a great way to show someone that you’re interested in them. Sitting closer to the person you’re flirting with is a subtle yet effective way to get them to notice you. Sitting close to someone shows that you’re comfortable with them and that you want to be near them. It can also be a way to show that you’re attracted to them and want to get to know them better.

If you’re sitting close to someone, it’s important to be aware of your body language. Sitting with your legs crossed, leaning in, and making eye contact are all non-verbal cues that can let someone know that you’re interested in them. Smiling and laughing at their jokes can also be a great way to show your interest.

In addition to sitting close to someone, it’s also important to make sure that you’re engaging in conversation. Ask questions, show that you’re listening, and make sure to laugh at their jokes. This will help show that you’re interested in getting to know them better.


Let Him Know You’re Interested

Let Him Know You’re Interested If he doesn't realize you like him, then nothing will ever happen between the two of you. That's why you need to drop hints as often as you can.


One of the most important steps in the process of making him see you as more than a friend is to let him know that you are interested. It can be difficult to make the first move and tell someone that you are interested in them, but it is worth it.

The best way to let him know you’re interested is to drop subtle hints that you like him. These can be things like making eye contact, laughing at his jokes, or complimenting him. You can also try to get more physical, like lightly touching his arm or shoulder when you’re talking.

Another way to let him know you’re interested is to be open and honest about your feelings. If you feel comfortable enough, you can tell him directly that you like him and want to get to know him better. This can be a bit intimidating, but it can also be a great way to get the ball rolling.


Dress up around Him

Dress up around Him If you know you're going to see him, wear your favorite perfume and dress. If you look stunning, dating will definitely cross his mind.


When it comes to making him see you as more than a friend, dressing up around him can be a great way to get his attention. It is important to wear something that makes you feel confident and beautiful. Choose an outfit that flatters your body type and complements your features. Make sure to add a few accessories that will draw his eyes to you.

In addition to wearing the right clothes, it is important to make sure you smell good. Wear a light scent of your favorite perfume or cologne. A subtle scent can go a long way in getting his attention.

It is also important to wear clothes that are appropriate for the occasion. If you are meeting him for a casual lunch, wear something that is comfortable and stylish. If you are going to a formal event, dress up a bit more and wear something that will make you stand out.

Finally, make sure you take the time to do your hair and makeup. A few simple touches can make all the difference. Just make sure you don't go overboard and keep your look natural.


Say Sexual Things

Say Sexual Things Don't be afraid to tell dirty jokes or wink at him. It'll make him see you as a potential girlfriend, instead of as a friend.


When it comes to making your guy see you as more than a friend, it can be tricky. That’s why it’s important to make sure you take the right steps to make sure he sees you as a potential girlfriend. One of the best ways to do this is to say sexual things to him.

This can be done in a variety of ways. If you’re feeling daring, you can tell him a dirty joke or even wink at him. This will show him that you are confident and not afraid to take risks. It will also make him see you as a potential girlfriend instead of just a friend.

You can also use flirting to your advantage. This can be done by complimenting him or making suggestive comments. This will show him that you are interested in him and that you are comfortable with being intimate.

On the other hand, you should also be careful not to go too far. If you come off as too aggressive or desperate, it could turn him off. Therefore, it is important to make sure you are subtle and playful when it comes to flirting with him.


Tell Him He Deserves a Great Girl

Tell Him He Deserves a Great Girl The next time he talks about dating, make sure to mention that he deserves to date a great girl.


It can be difficult to make the transition from friends to something more, and sometimes it can be hard to tell if someone is interested in pursuing a romantic relationship. If you want to make it clear that you're interested in him romantically, one way to do so is to tell him that he deserves to date a great girl. This will show him that you think he's worthy of love and that you're interested in being that person for him.

When you tell him this, make sure to be sincere and show him that you truly care about him. You can do this by discussing his qualities that you admire and why you think he's a great person. Doing this will let him know that you're not just saying this to get his attention, but that you genuinely believe that he deserves someone special in his life.

It's also important to be supportive of him during this time. Let him know that you're there for him if he needs to talk about anything, and that you're willing to help him in any way you can. This will show him that you care about him and that you're willing to be there for him, no matter what.


Send Him Saucy Pictures

Send Him Saucy Pictures The next time you SnapChat him, don't send a photo of you with your tongue sticking out. Instead, send a picture of you looking your best while striking a sexy pose.


It's all about teasing his imagination. Snap a shot that hints at your curves or showcases those killer legs—just enough to tantalize without revealing all your secrets. Remember, the key is subtlety; think suggestive, not explicit. A playful wink or a seductive smile can amplify the excitement. This visual whisper promises more and leaves him yearning for the full conversation. It's a digital flirt that says you’re confident and not afraid to express your sensuality. Keep it classy and leave him guessing just how much fun you could be.


Watch Your Posture

Watch Your Posture Keep your back straight, because it'll make your booty and breasts look their best. It's a small change he's sure to notice.


Maintaining a proud and tall posture not only boosts your appearance but also exudes a strong sense of confidence, which is incredibly attractive. Whether you’re standing in line for coffee or sitting across from him at dinner, straighten up those shoulders and elongate your neck. This will draw his eyes to your silhouette, making you stand out in a way that's both subtle and powerful. Trust us, when you carry yourself with poise, he's bound to take a second look – it's that irresistible allure that comes with showing you value yourself.


Watch Romance Movies Together

Watch Romance Movies Together If you end up watching Netflix together, put on a romantic comedy to see couples kissing. Or at least put on a horror movie and grab his hand during the scary scenes.


Get a Friend to Say You’d Make a Cute Couple

Get a Friend to Say You’d Make a Cute Couple If you have a mutual friend, ask them to comment about how cute you two would be as a couple. His reaction should tell you how he feels about you.


If you have a mutual friend, you can ask them to comment about how cute you and your crush would look as a couple. This is a great way to get an idea of how he feels about you without directly asking him. If your mutual friend can get him to agree that you two would make a cute couple, it could be a sign that he's interested in you.

However, it's important to remember that this isn't an exact science. Just because your friend says that you two would make a great couple doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to date you. It could just be a sign that he likes you as a friend.

If you're trying to make him see you as more than a friend, there are a few other things you can do. You can start by complimenting him and flirting with him when you're around him. Making eye contact and smiling can also be a great way to show him that you're interested. Additionally, you can try to spend more time together and get to know him better.


Don’t Mention Other Boys

Don’t Mention Other Boys Don't talk about your miniature crushes on other boys, because it'll push him away. He'll assume you want them instead of him.


When it comes to making a guy see you as more than a friend, it's important to be aware of how you interact with him. One of the most important things to remember is to not mention other boys. While it may seem harmless to tell him about a cute guy you saw at the mall, it can push him away. He’ll assume you’re more interested in the other guy than him, which can make him feel insecure.

It’s also important to not talk about other guys in a romantic or sexual way. Even if you’re just joking, it can make him feel uncomfortable and he may think you’re more interested in those other guys than him. Even if you’re not interested in those other guys, it’s best to keep the conversation focused on just the two of you.


Ask Him on a Date

Ask Him on a Date Don't be afraid to take initiative. If you can't keep hiding your feelings, then ask him out on a date.


Kiss Him

Kiss Him Instead of asking him out, you can just lean close and kiss him when you're hanging out. Then he'll definitely see you in a new light.

If you'd be happier dating him than calling him your friend, you should follow this advice. Have you ever had a crush on a good guy friend?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

Tried all but ddnt work . period

maybe I could use these tips hehe

Ummm no. Kissing without consent is sexual assault. Always ask if he's comfortable with kissing you before going for it. Other than that, great tips!


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