17 Games You Shouldn't Let Men Play with You ...


17 Games  You Shouldn't Let Men Play with You ...
17 Games  You Shouldn't Let Men Play with You ...

Men accuse us of sending mixed signals and playing games with their hearts all the time. However, they're guilty of it, too. Of course, you shouldn't let men play any games with you. If your boyfriend or crush does any of these things to you, don't waste your time with him:

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He Uses You for Sex

He Uses You for Sex You're not a sex object. Don't let a man sleep with you if he has no intention of becoming your boyfriend.


He Plays Hard to Get

He Plays Hard to Get We aren't the only ones who play hard to get. Sometimes, men will pretend they don't have time for us, or that they aren't interested in us, just to keep us interested.


He Flirts around

He Flirts around Don't date a player. If he claims he cares about you, then he shouldn't be flirting with every other girl he sees.


He Ghosts on You

He Ghosts on You Some men will treat you like a princess for a while, and then drop out of your life. They'll go MIA and you'll never find out why.


He Lies to You

He Lies to You Some men will flat-out lie to you about everything. They'll fib about where they're going, what they're doing, and how much they love you.


He Gives You Backhanded Compliments

He Gives You Backhanded Compliments Compliments are supposed to be flattering. If he ends up insulting you, then call him out on it. Don't let him be rude.


He Breaks up with You All the Time

black and white, image, monochrome photography, darkness, monochrome, Your relationship is unhealthy if you break up and get back together again twice a year. You're either together or you're not. Don't keep going back and fourth.


He Refuses to Show Interest

wait,, just, realized,, don't, care., Some men will refuse to admit that they have feelings for you. They think that showing interest shows weakness.


He Tries to Make You Jealous

facial expression, hair, face, person, red, Some men will purposely try to make you jealous by talking to other women. If your man does that to you, tell him off. He shouldn't be trying to make you angry.


He Gives You Ultimatums

phenomenon, screenshot, don't, too, well, If he tells you that you need to ignore all of your male friends or he'll leave you, then you should be the one leaving him. He should be compromising with you, not giving you ultimatums.


He Catcalls Women

He Catcalls Women If he catcalls other women, why would you date him? It's a form of sexual harassment.


He Ignores You

He Ignores You If he won't respond to your text messages, then stop texting him. There's no reason to try to keep in contact with someone who clearly doesn't care about you.


He Asks You to Change Your Appearance

He Asks You to Change Your Appearance He shouldn't ask you to lose weight or wear different types of clothes. He should like you just the way you are.


He Booty Calls You

He Booty Calls You Don't let him call you for random hookups. If he wants to kiss you, he should date you.


He Asks to Be Friends with Benefits

He Asks to Be Friends with Benefits Don't be "friends with benefits" if you really want to be "boyfriend and girlfriend." It's not fair to you.


He Abuses You

image, screenshot, emotion, film, interaction, Don't let a man abuse you physically or emotionally. It's not acceptable.


He Blackmails You

He Blackmails You If he threatens to post your nude pictures online, leave him as soon as you can. He doesn't deserve to be with you.

Don't let a guy play games with your heart. You deserve someone who loves you and won't mess around with your emotions. Has a man ever done any of these things to you?

Feedback Junction

Where Thoughts and Opinions Converge

#3 is too real I stopped caring for this niqqa who ignores me just because he is "busy&sleeping;" all the time, just to play hard to get. But now I realized that I shouldn't care for the people who don't care in return. Let go!

We were in a relationship for 3 years not just a random booty call, that is why I didn't understand the ghosting, nothing led up to it.

Absolutely true

Omg this article is so right to the point.

#12 & #8 too

Dear Holly , thank you for your articles.Can you share your advises of young women getting marry with older men by 20 years !!

I have sex with guys with no intention of making them my boyfriend but that doesn't make me a bad person

I really needed this article right now:) very helpful😀

This guy and I had a nice crush thing going, he was always flirty with me, and then all the sudden. with all the other girls around me. Trying to play jealous games and now he wants to know why I'm over him

So so true thanks for this reminder ♥

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